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Learn More About The people behind

Unrivaled Plumbing & heating Montrose, CO

Founded in December 2022, Unrivaled Plumbing & Heating is owned by Michael Pomeroy. Michael has been plumbing since early 2011 in both new construction and service plumbing with various companies in 3 states. With his experience, he guarantees you will get excellent service, promptly. Michael has worked as a licensed plumber in Montana, Idaho, and Colorado. He relocated to Montrose in early December 2022 and has made it his home, he looks forward to meeting and serving as many of you as possible.

Plumber in Montrose, CO - Mike Unrivaled Plumbing & Heating

Jonathan was born and raised in California. He relocated to Colorado 7 years ago with his wife Ashly and their 2 children.  Jonathan is a big sports fan, mostly baseball. In his free time, he participates in the local men's and coed softball teams and plays soccer. He loves to be out under the great blue sky of Colorado and enjoys all of the adventures that this area offers.

Jonathan has been with Unrivaled Plumbing and heating for over a year now and has learned and gained so much knowledge as a service plumber. He loves helping people and what he does and looks forward to growing and serving Montrose.

Jonathan — Montrose, CO — Unrivaled Plumbing & Heating

Meet our CSR, Ashly! Born and raised in California and relocated to Colorado back in 2016. Ashly and her husband Jonathan have a daughter and a son, who keep them on their toes. While family time is precious to her, Ashly also spends a lot of time in the office, driven by her passion for learning new things, helping people, and embracing new challenges. For someone like Ashly, solving plumbing and heating problems for customers offers a great challenge and a lot of fulfillment.  She looks forward to helping you.

Ashly — Montrose, CO — Unrivaled Plumbing & Heating

Johanna is a passionate Customer Service Representative who relocated to Montrose in 2016 from California. She is happily married to her husband, Enrique, and they share their home with their beloved dog, Lucky. She enjoys spending her free time outdoors with family and friends, making the most of the beautiful surroundings. She also loves exploring and traveling to new places and cultures, adding to her rich tapestry of life experiences.

Johanna — Unrivaled Plumbing & Heating Montrose, CO

Nelson is a hardworking professional with extensive work experience across various fields. He finds joy in the simple pleasures of life, such as cooking up delicious meals and spending quality time with family and friends.  Nelson’s dedication to his work is matched by his love for creating memorable moments with those he cares about.

Nelson — Montrose, CO — Unrivaled Plumbing & Heating

Moises, born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, is a proud graduate of Montrose High School. He has a passion for service and maintenance work, ensuring each job is done to the highest standard. In his spare time, Moises enjoys spending time with his family, going for runs, and playing soccer.

Moises — Montrose, CO — Unrivaled Plumbing Ltd

Connor - born in Reading, PA, is a proud graduate of Colorado West Christian School. With a passion for technical work, Connor excels at sweating copper and handling intricate tasks. In his spare time, you'll find him fishing, dirt biking, and hunting. Dedicated to delivering top-notch service, Connor's mission is to provide you with a 5-star experience every time.

Connor — Montrose, CO — Unrivaled Plumbing & Heating

Braunsen - born in Mesa, Arizona, is a graduate of Montrose High School. He has a passion for solving problems on any job and thrives on finding the best solutions. In his spare time, Braunsen enjoys camping, hiking, and fishing with his kids. His mission is to deliver 5-star service with every project.

Braunsen — Montrose, CO — Unrivaled Plumbing & Heating

Our Certifications

Colorado Plumbing

Contractor License


Montana Plumbing License

General Contractor License

Colorado Master License


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