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Bathroom Remodeling in Montrose, CO

Unrivaled Plumbing & Heating in Montrose

also offers custom bathroom remodeling.  We have the skilled technicians for everything from changing out a toilet or fixtures to a complete bathroom transformation. Our remodeling services for Montrose, Delta, Ridgway & Ouray are Unrivaled.   Our work will breathe new life into your residential or commercial space, enhancing functionality, aesthetics, and comfort. 

  Would you like custom tile work in your bathroom? How about seeing if your able to make your current bathroom even larger and create that dream shower you've always wanted? Here at Unrivaled we can walk you through all of your options from fiberglass, custom acrylics or custom tile work with a 5 year warranty.  We can handle the whole project without subcontracting which allows us to be more competitive with our price and maintain higher quality control!

  1 Day Bathroom Remodels!  We are proud BCI Acrylic Shower Systems dealers and with our certified installers on staff.  BCI showers come with a lifetime warranty and  we guarantee you an amazing experience.

With a focus on professionalism and quality, we are committed to delivering results that exceed your expectations.  Call 970-765-6252 today to have one of our professional technicians come to your home and walk you through your options!

Bathroom Remodeling in Montrose CO

Start-to-Finish Remodeling Projects

We're experts at managing and executing start-to-finish remodeling projects. This means we can handle every aspect of your remodeling project, whether it's a single room or multiple areas within your property.

Our Process

We begin with a thorough consultation to understand your vision and goals. From there, we create a detailed plan and timeline, ensuring every remodel step is executed efficiently and with precision. Whether you're looking to renovate a kitchen, bathroom, or an entire property, we've got you covered from concept to completion.

Full Service Bathroom Remodeling

Carpentry — Montrose, CO — Unrivaled Plumbing Ltd


Our skilled carpenters can transform your space with custom cabinetry, built-in shelving, trim work, and more. From intricate woodwork to modern designs, we can bring your vision to life.

Shower Tile Installation Montrose CO

Remodel Work

In addition to carpentry and plumbing, we provide a variety of other remodeling services tailored to your project's requirements. Whether it's electrical work, flooring, painting, or any other aspect of remodeling, our team has the expertise to handle it with professionalism and precision.

Single day bathroom remodel

Ready to transform your space with our remodeling services?

Let us help you achieve the space of your dreams.

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