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BCI Acrylic Shower SystemS mean shower / bath remodels done in 1 day!

Shower Visualizer

Unrivaled Plumbing & Heating is the home of the one-day bathroom remodel. We proudly serve Grand Junction, Montrose, and Ridgway, CO. We specialize in high-quality acrylic bath products that allow us to deliver a custom-designed shower or bath in just one day, backed by a lifetime warranty.  We even offer ADA walk in tubs to allow you to stay in your home longer.

Whether you're looking to upgrade your shower or complete a full bathroom renovation, we can achieve the transformation in days, not weeks. If you're considering replacing your shower tiles or want a fresh, personalized look, contact us. Our team will walk you through all available options to help you choose the perfect fit for your home.

A bathroom with a bathtub , sink and mirror.
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